We have an election coming up on November 5th. Since our City Council positions are two year terms, all positions are up for election. This is a great opportunity for all qualified electors (resident of Holiday Island and registered to vote) to consider whether or not they want to be involved in shaping the future of the city. City Council elections are non-partisan. If you are interested, we have posted information about running for public office on the city website. Just go to https://www.cityofholidayisland.com and click on About/Contact. Then click on Running for Office. Scroll down the page and you will find a link to a handbook that provides all the official information.
If you are interested, there are some deadlines to be aware of. In order to get on the ballot, you must file a nominating petition with the County Clerk containing a minimum of 10 signatures of qualified electors in Holiday Island. You must declare on the petition which ward and council position you are seeking. As example: Ward #3 Position #2. There are two council positions per ward and Holiday Island has three wards. There is a sample petition form in the handbook; however, you can get blank petition forms from the County Clerk’s Office. Note that it is a good idea to get “plenty” of signatures since the signatures must be verified by the County Clerk’s office and some may get thrown out. Be sure people sign exactly the same as is on their voter registration card.
You must reside in the ward you intend to represent but the petition signatures can be any qualified elector city wide. However (my opinion) it would probably be a good idea to have people in your ward sign your nominating petition.
The filing period for the petition is from July 31st through August 7th at noon. You can collect signatures during a 90 day period ending the date you file. So, you could start collecting signatures as early as May 3rd. Along with the petition, you will also have to file a political practices pledge and an affidavit of eligibility with the County Clerk’s office. Information on both is in the handbook.
This message is a public service announcement and is not intended to convey “official” information as to the conduct of the election. If you are interested in running for an office, the official information can be found in the “Running for Public Office” Handbook or by contacting the County Clerk.